Speaker detail


Mussum ipsum cacilds, vidis litro abertis.

  • Training Industry :

    Human Resource

  • Years Of Experience

    25+ years

About Me

U. Harold Levy is a national and international speaker, trainer, consultant and recognized expert on civil right issues, human resources, leadership and management. Mr. Levy has over 30 years of experience in the profession, most recently as the Eastern Regional Business Enterprise Analyst for the Pennsylvania Department of General Services. Some of Harold's clients have included Pharmaceutical Corporations, Police Departments, colleges and universities, and state and county government agencies and well as non-profit organizations. Mr. Levy has published numerous articles on topics relating to Civil Rights and Human Resource Issues. A graduate of the Pennsylvania State University, Mr. Levy has a Bachelor's degree in International Relations, a Master's Degree in Public Administration and is a certified Mediation Counselor and is the recipient of many awards including the prestigious Administrative Service Award at the University of Minnesota Duluth, and the Tri State Consortium of Opportunity Programs for New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania to name a few.

Webinars by this Keynote Speaker

  • How to Manage and Resolve Conflict in th...

    • LevelBasic & Intermediate
    • Speaker(s):U. Harold Levy
    • Duration 60 Min
    Webinar description

    "How to Manage and Resolve Conflict in the Workplace"-The art of managing and resolving conflict in the workplace is a 60-minute webinar that focuses on conflict and how to prevent it.It provides an overview of conflict, how destructive and costly it...

  • How to Comply with the New EEO-1 Reporti...

    • LevelBasic & Intermediate
    • Speaker(s):U. Harold Levy
    • Duration 60 Min
    Webinar description

    The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued a Notice of Immediate Reinstatement of Revised EEO-1 Data to collect summary pay data from employers, including federal contractors and subcontractors, with 100 or more employees for Calendar ...