Speaker detail


Mussum ipsum cacilds, vidis litro abertis.

  • Training Industry :

    Human Resource

  • Years Of Experience

    12+ years

About Me

Bob Churilla is a partner in a conflict management and organizational development firm, Conflict Resolution Professionals Group (CRPG). In addition, Bob is a Visiting Professor at a private University. Bob has worked with the United States Postal Service, Veterans Administration, Transportation Security Administration and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as a mediator and consultant. He has also consulted with local, state and private employers, government agencies, churches and nonprofit organizations. Bob has a Ph.D. in Conflict Resolution and a Juris Doctorate degree.

Webinars by this Keynote Speaker

  • Developing Conflict Competent Leaders

    • LevelBasic & Intermediate
    • Speaker(s):Bob Churilla
    • Duration 90 Min
    Webinar description

    In this webinar, participants will learn how to harness the power of conflict as leaders in their organizations. Participants will examine their own conflict styles and those they lead. In addition, the various types of conflict that exist will be lo...

  • Manager's Guide to Handling Emotional Em...

    • LevelIntermediate
    • Speaker(s):Bob Churilla
    • Duration 90 Min
    Webinar description

    In this webinar participants will learn how to deal with emotional employees. Those attending will learn the elements of emotional intelligence and how to handle employees that may have difficulties in controlling their feelings. During the webinar, ...